Yes, we are already staring down at the end of the first quarter. We’re back in person, back in airports, back at conferences, but … back to the office? The jury is still out.
In case you missed it
Capitalism has a real reputation problem. There are plenty of people who suggest it needs to be re-invented, including my good friend Steve Denning, who has a book out on it. You can watch a replay of our LinkedIn Live session, also featuring Arie Lewin of Duke. The session also features guest appearances by famed economist Carlota Perez and the world’s #1 management thinker, Amy Edmondson.
This Innovation Engine podcast featured a first for me – host Scott Varho served up some questions created for him by ChatGPT! They weren’t half bad, either. We chat about inflection points, opportunities, and how to grasp them.
A recording of our live demo of software designed to make teaching discovery-driven planning in the classroom is available here. If you are a corporate trainer or educator and need to bring the concepts home, this app makes it easier.
The 1% podcast, dedicated to the idea that we should all be striving to be better, hosted me for a discussion about things like the importance of skip-level meetings, why leaders often miss inflection points, and the strategy spine – a document that ties together your strategic choices with the resources to make them real.
Can we live without ranking our institutions of higher education? Many people certainly would like to see that day arrive.
Why humor can lead to healing and the reclamation of power – reflections on the McCarter Theater of Princeton’s production of “Between Two Knees” and Jennifer Aaker’s work on how humor can work miracles.
We may think we make our choices freely. But Eric Johnson’s work suggests otherwise. The problem is that choice architecture can be manipulated to produce dark patterns. This article explores the issue.
Covid, by some accounts, has put us all into a simulated mid-life crisis. We’re looking for meaning, looking to leave a legacy, and looking for purpose. That may end up rewriting the employment contract
Subscribe to Weekly Thought Sparks
Leaders in technology are no longer toiling away in back offices. They are front and center as part of their organization's system for sensing what's coming around the corner in times of uncertainty. In this article for tech leaders in CMS Wire, Myles Suer pulls some examples from my book to make that connection.
My LinkedIn learning course “Discovery Driven Leadership” has now been added to their CPE Continuing education program – you can get credits for taking it!
Meta’s dependence on data which in turn depended on users not knowing how much of it they were collecting is an Achilles’ heel. In this article, I explore the implications.
Chinese firms seem to be figuring out how agile works sooner than we are.
Tool of the month:
Competitive Advantage Diagnostic
I am often asked how one can know when a competitive advantage is losing its power. Some indicators are described in this article, which also provides a link to a diagnostic you can use that can give you clarity on the most telling early warning signs. Give it a try! We’d love to hear what you learn as a result.
Upcoming Events
March 17: 11:00 am Eastern Time: Virtual Friday Fireside Chat with Morra Aarons-Mele, author of the new book “The Anxious Overachiever.” We’ll be talking about mental health, the power of anxiety, and how introverts can bring unusual gifts to the table. Registration at this link.
March 23: 11:00 am Eastern Time: Virtual live podcast with Jack Hidary, the CEO of Sandbox, an Alphabet unit working at the intersection of quantum computing and artificial intelligence. I don't know what will if that doesn’t get your inner geek going! Check out their website here.
March 23: 1 pm Eastern Time: Webinar, “The Megaproject of Rebuilding Ukraine” featuring myself and professor Bent Flyvbjerg, an expert in megaprojects in a discussion sponsored by the Ukrainian Institute of the United States. Check out my LinkedIn post for an event link in the future.
Get in Touch, Keep in Touch!
I work with organizations to run workshops and provide guidance. Think that might be useful? Get in touch!
Twitter @rgmcgrath
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